Pedophile Pirate

Source :

“When the Prophet married Aisha she was very young and not yet ready for consummation.”

Chairman Muhammad settled into his public housing project and immediately began to act like the fool he had become. Ishaq:235 “In the year of the Prophet’s arrival, Abu Umamah died from a rattling in the throat. The Messenger said, ‘His death is an evil thing for the Jews and the Arab Hypocrites for they are sure to say, “If Muhammad were really a prophet his companion would not have died.” But truly, I have no power with Allah either for myself or for my companions.'” Truer words were never spoken.

Muhammad had no morals either. Tabari VII:7 “The Prophet married Aisha in Mecca three years before the Hijrah, after the death of Khadija. At the time she was six.” Ishaq:281 “When the Apostle came to Medina he was fifty-three.” Tabari VII:6 “In May, 623 A.D./A.H. 1, Allah’s Messenger consummated his marriage to Aisha.” He would be dead in ten years; she hadn’t lived that long. Pedophilia was, and continues to be, child abuse. The abused had come full circle; he was now an abuser. Continue reading

By thedivinefire Posted in Islam Tagged

Islam Lies

Islam..a Beast

They start accumulating in countries and then start terrorizing it with gangs of rapists, violence and civil disruption.

They are possessed, demon possessed. They seek to spread fear and violence, they are pawns of the devil who feeds off of the fear and suffering they create for power.

Just as their leader, Mohammad, they use “God” as an excuse to prey on innocent people. Mohammad was a robber and a thief, his followers are no different. Continue reading

By thedivinefire Posted in Islam Tagged

Ancient Arabian Mythology

Ancient Arabian mythology

Arab’s collection of gods:
▪ Aglibol
▪ Allah
▪ Al-Qaum
▪ al-Lāt, al-‘Ilāhat
▪ Astarte
▪ Atargatis (Syrian)
▪ Atarsamain
▪ Beelshamen
▪ Bēl, Baʕl, Bēl-Šamīn
▪ Bes (Egypto-Arabic)
▪ Dhu’l-Halasa

Arabian mythology is the ancient, pre-Islamic beliefs of the Arab people. Prior to Islam the Kaaba of Mecca was covered in symbols representing the myriad demons, djinn, demigods, or simply tribal gods and other assorted deities which represented the polytheistic culture of pre-Islamic Arabia. It has been inferred from this plurality an exceptionally broad context in which mythology could flourish. Many of the physical descriptions of the pre-Islamic gods are traced to idols, especially near the Kabba, which is asserted to have contained up to 360. Continue reading

Considered as the food of Christian, Muslim Salafi in Egypt set fatwa to all Muslims forbidden to eat tomatoes

CAIRO (EGYPT) – A hateful attitude indicated by anti-Christian groups in Egypt, not only visible when they announced their happy days on the death of the leader of the Christian Coptic Pope Shenouda III in March, but also on all matters relating to Christianity.

KAIRO (MESIR) –  Sikap penuh kebencian yang ditunjukkan kelompok anti-Kristen di Mesir, tidak hanya terlihat ketika mereka mengumumkan hari bahagia mereka atas wafatnya pemimpin umat Kristen Koptik, Paus Shenouda III pada Maret lalu, tetapi juga terhadap segala hal yang berkaitan dengan kekristenan. Continue reading

Flesh Lusteth In Islam Paradise.Hawa Nafsu Kedagingan Dalam Surganya Islam

Kita semua tahu bahwa hawa nafsu merupakan salah satu bentuk kedagingan yang harus kita lawan untuk menuju kehidupan yang kekal, karena kehidupan roh bertentangan dengan kehidupan kedagingan.
We all know that lust is a form of flesh we have opponents to get eternal life, because the life of the spirit against the flesh of life.

Mari kita simak apa kata Alkitab tentang kedagingan dan hawa nafsu:
Let’s see what the Scripture said about flesh lusteth: Continue reading

Muslim Population Continues Down In Indonesia

KORANBOGOR.COM,GARUT- Dari tahun ke tahun, populasi umat Islam di Indonesia terus mengalami penurunan. Hal ini tentu sangat disesalkan padahal di sisi lain jumlah penduduk Indonesia terus bertambah. Hal itu diungkapkan Menteri Agama RI, Suryadharma Ali saat menghadiri acara “Halaqoh Alim Ulama Partai Persatuan Pembangunan” di aula Hotel Suminar, Tarogong, Minggu (24/6).

BOGOR NEWSPAPER, GARUT. – From year to year, the population of Muslims in Indonesia continued to
decline. This is very regrettable but on the other side of Indonesia’s population continues to grow. This was revealed by Indonesia’s Minister of Religious while attending “Halaqoh Alim Ulama Partai Persatuan Pembangunan” event at Suminar hotel hall, Torogong. Sunday(24/6).
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By thedivinefire Posted in Islam Tagged